A new way forward requires A New Kind of Leadership

About A New Kind of Leadership (NKL)

NKL is an adaptive, coaching-based, and fully customized self-leadership approach that unlocks powerful outcomes by cultivating self-empowered leaders.

We partner with teams and individuals to imagine and achieve the highest vision for themselves and their organizations to produce sustainable and powerful outcomes in their workplaces, families, and communities.

Instead of relying on or expecting others to do “it” for them, we enable our clients to independently manage and navigate internal blocks (e.g. fear, self-doubt, self-judgment, etc.), confront external challenges, and continuously move toward an evolved version of who they want to be and how they want to show up as they transition through life.

  • Meeting today's and tomorrow’s workforce and human development challenges calls for individuals and teams to lead with newfound purpose, intention, and confidence.

    This requires them to gain the self-mastery skill-set to develop awareness, insights, and presence that consistently supports their transition to becoming next-generation leaders.

  • We offer organizations, managers, teams, and individuals a way forward based on integrated shared and individual experiences within a common framework and coaching language that contributes to deeper connection and engagement.

  • At the core of the NKL is Energy Leadership™ (EL).

    EL is a process that allows you to develop a personally effective style of leadership that positively influences and changes not only oneself but also those with whom you work and interact.

“A New Kind of Leadership is about looking at the world differently and how you choose to show up in it.”

Alexandra Brown, Senior Director, UCLA Alumni Association

A New Kind of Leadership Framework

Built on a process and decades of experience that has served and empowered 1,000s of leaders & teams.

Energy Leadership™

The process that develops a personally effective style of leadership that positively influences and changes oneself and others, but also those with whom they work and interact, as well as their organization as a whole.

Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI)

The Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) is the proprietary, research-backed attitudinal assessment tool, created by iPEC, that takes something abstract—the way you experience the world—and turns it into a tangible metric.

We offer the ELI for individuals and teams.

Core Energy Coaching

Empowers individuals and teams to consciously choose how they show up and create what they most want to experience. It gets to the core of what is stopping a person from accomplishing their goals and helps them tap into more of their power and potential.

“One of the things that is so special and unique about what NKL brings is that Energy Leadership™ focuses on the individual within the team, and how we show up, and our ability and capacity to be present.”

Powerful Outcomes for NKL Self Empowered Leaders:

  • “It helped me realize that I can change my life, both professionally and personally, by implementing a few changes in the way that I react to stress.”

  • “Reflect on the personal role of owning the energy I bring to my work as a leader and strategies for adjusting this energy.”

  • “Opportunity to authentically connect with colleagues using a common language around Energy Leadership, and how we show up being able to help one another if in a lower energy level.”

  • “It helped me rethink how I work with others I have continuous conflict with and how to shift my energy to be better at what my team and I are doing. It truly changed the way I think and lead”

  • "I plan to work on staying aware of my energy levels and working hard to bring the most positive parts of myself to work so that I am a productive member of the team.”

  • “I have the choice of how I want to react to situations and learning to accept what I cannot change and instead focus on what I can — not only at work but in my personal life as well.”

  • “Listening without judgement is so powerful and, I've applied this to my daily meetings, and it's proven to be very effective.”

Engaging NKL is as simple as 1-2-3

First, tell us what’s going on, your challenge, and your vision for you and your team. Our coaches will explore and share how support can be provided.



Secondly, our coaches will co-create, design, and offer an approach that’s equitable, accessible, and adaptive to your situation.


Lastly, participants will acquire and apply their new NKL self-leadership skills to work-life situations.

“Their coaching very quickly connected and created safe spaces for people to be incredibly vulnerable. My team now feels empowered, equipped, recognized and heard.” 

— Julie Sina, Ph.D. Associate Vice Chancellor, UCLA Alumni Affairs